
Anhui Jixi Sanming Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.

Add.:At the foot of Caoduqiao Ridge, Jixi County, An'hui, China.
Postal Code:245300
Contact:Hu Minghua
Sales Tel:+86-563-8153333



Product name:Dimethoxymethane
CAS No.:109-87-5
EINECS NO.:203-714-2
Molecular Formula:C3H8O2
Structural Formula:
Molecular Weight:76.10

Qualitative index:
Purity (GC)≥99.0%  Moisture ≤0.5%

Purity (GC)≥99.5%  Moisture ≤0.3%

Purity (GC)≥99.9%  Moisture ≤0.05%

Appearance and Property: colorless liquid with similar odor to that of chloroform. 
M.P.(℃): -104.8 
Relative Density(water=1: 0.86
B.P.(℃): 42.3
Relative Density(air=1): 2.63 
Saturation vapor pressure(kPa): 43.99(20℃) 
Flash Point(℃): -17 
Ignition temperature(℃): 235
Upper explosive limit %(V/V): 17.6
Lower explosive limit %(V/V): 1.6 
Solubility: slightly soluble in water, miscible in ethanol and ether.

(1)To produce air freshener
(2)To produce pesticides
(3)To produce cosmetics
(4)To produce leather polish
(5)As substitute of Freon
(6)To produce cleaning agents
(7)As solvent of paints, printing ink and adhesives.

定日县| 方山县| 林州市| 武威市| 鸡泽县| 化德县| 阆中市| 临泽县| 东阿县| 嘉兴市| 灵宝市| 泾源县| 盐池县| 肥东县| 奈曼旗| 清苑县| 高密市| 宣威市| 井陉县| 桦甸市| 海林市| 洛川县| 荃湾区| 房山区| 武宁县| 抚宁县| 龙门县| 安义县| 麟游县| 桂东县| 南华县| 马山县| 东宁县| 鹤庆县| 石嘴山市| 上蔡县| 特克斯县| 安新县| 北海市| 德惠市| 廊坊市|