
Anhui Jixi Sanming Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.

Add.:At the foot of Caoduqiao Ridge, Jixi County, An'hui, China.
Postal Code:245300
Contact:Hu Minghua
Sales Tel:+86-563-8153333



Product name:Diethoxymethane
CAS No.:462-95-3
Molecular Formula:CH2(OC2H5)2

Brief intro.:
B.p.: 88℃
Flash point: -5℃
Specific wt: (20℃)0.8305, solubility in water at 20℃ is 4.4%.


Item Details
Industrial grade 2 Industrial grade 1
Appearance colorless clear and volatile liquid with ether like odor.
Purity(GC), % ≥99.5 ≥99.9
Ethanol, % ≤0.4 ≤0.05
Moisture, % ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.05

1. As solvents 
As solvent for organic metal reactions, such as alkylation. vacillations. organolithium reaction and Grignard reactions. 
As solvent in aluminium cell and anhydrous lithium ion battery. 
As auxiliaries of polymers, as solvent of neoprene rubber adhesive; also used as coating aids for automobiles. 
2. As reactive reagent. As ethoxy methylating agent; as equivalent of formaldehyde to make reaction safer. It is an excellent substrate for carbonylation; as the source of ethanol, it is used in the preparation of ether and esters.

Packing:170kg iron drum.

Note:It is Class I inflammable liquid, non-corrosive to metal and can be stored in iron, soft steel or copper containers; prevent from fire and heat source, stored in cool place, closed tight.

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